Speech and Communication is not a privilege, IT IS THE RIGHT OF EVERY HUMAN!
Number of surgeons
using it
Number of Countries
using it
Innaumation Medical Devices Private Limited is a Bangalore based medical device startup working in the area of voice restoration for throat cancer patients. The main objective of the company is to make science affordable, affable and accessible. IMDPL has created an affordable low-cost speaking device for patients who have lost their voice due to the surgical removal of the larynx (laryngectomy)
The present invention by IMDPL comprises of a Voice Prosthesis box, which is implanted in patients undergoing laryngectomy, enabling the patient to speak after surgery.
We are also working on a similar such innovations for tracheostomy tubes, which helps patients breathe and cold assist patients with low cost maintenance without suctioningÂ
The core technologies we work on include speech and communication devices, computational biology and imaging devices.
Keep innovating in the field of medical and healthcare solutions and disrupt the market by reaching out to every last person who needs it through a large network of medical experts across the globe
We are committed to provide affordable and easy healthcare solutions to the patients across the globe through empathetic designs, innovation and challenging the unachievable